Coffee Machine Buying Guide

Coffee Machine Buying Guide!

Are you on the quest for a coffee that has an earthy flavour? Or do you only want a mocha because you have a sweet tooth? In any case, starting your day with your favourite coffee can make a world of difference. This is where coffee machines come in.

Whether you prefer cold brew, iced coffee, or regular hot coffee, there's a coffee maker out there that will brew coffee to suit your preference. Continue reading to learn how to choose a dependable coffee machine that is just right for you.

What Is A Coffee Machine?

A coffee machine is an electric device that automatically brews hot coffee. The machine features a hot plate, a glass coffee carafe or pot, a filter basket, and a water tank. A low-tech heating element surrounds the hot plate at the bottom of a coffee machine. The heating element is encased in a hole-punched aluminium tube. When added to the reservoir, water passes through a tiny hole at the bottom and into a plastic hose that descends to one end of the aluminium tube.

Types Of Coffee Machine

Coffee makers are categorised depending on a variety of factors. Learn more about the three most popular coffee makers below.

1). Single Boiler

A single boiler is excellent for making coffee and steaming milk in the same pot. It works well in small places to make one or two cups of coffee. It is a good option if you prefer black coffee without steaming much milk.


  • It's cheap due to its easy construction.
  • It's excellent for home users who rarely steam and brew.
  • It requires no flushing.


  • Brewing milk-based drinks take time.
  • Brew water isn't as fresh as it's been in the boiler.

2). Heat Exchanger

The term heat exchanger describes a device with a steam boiler and a tube for brewing water. Such a coffee machine performs at its peak when preparing large quantities of milk coffee. It can do everything with little effort while maintaining its attractive looks and performance.


  • It uses less energy.
  • It's ideal for cappuccinos and other milk-based espresso drinks.


  • It's hard to alter temperature directly.
  • Steam pressure is uncontrollable when adjusting the brew water temperature

3). Dual Boiler

A dual boiler coffee maker has a boiler that can also steam milk with easy regulation of temperature and steam pressure. It might be a nice option if brewing coffee is more of a passion than a regular habit.


  • The coffee is more consistent since brew and steam temperatures can be set separately.
  • Does not require flushing.


  • It has complex machine inner workings which require additional upkeep.
  • It's quite expensive compared to other types of coffee machines.
Coffee Machine Buying Guide

    Key Features To Look For

    Here are a few of the most crucial characteristics of a coffee machine that will facilitate and speed up the process of preparing and consuming coffee:

    • Simple controls: When setting up the equipment, digital displays are typically more convenient to read than indicator lights.
    • Adjustable grinder: This allows you to adjust the grind to fit the machine and the bean. Every automatic coffee machine has a built-in grinder.
    • Space: You can use a large espresso machine if you have enough counter space in your kitchen, so the bigger the kitchen the better.
    • Cup-warming trays ensure that your coffee stays warm and doesn't cool down too soon in the cups.
    • Warm-up time: Warming up might take anywhere from 20 seconds to two minutes, depending on the machine.
    • Wi-Fi: Some automatic espresso machines may connect to Wi-Fi, allowing you to start brewing from a distance or monitor the cleaning and maintenance procedure using a dedicated app.

    How To Choose The Right Coffee Machine

    Before making a coffee machine purchase, there are a few things to consider. Some of them include:

    Coffee Quantity

    How much coffee do you plan to make every day? This is among the most crucial of considerations. Start by noting the average number of cups you consume daily to help you decide which coffee machine to buy. A single-cup coffee machine, for instance, won't be enough if you consume 5 to 10 cups of coffee daily. Instead, seek something that can produce a large pot of coffee.

    Coffee Type

    What kind of coffee do you drink every day? Don't get the cheapest coffee machine if you don't like the coffee it produces only to save money. Purchasing any old coffee machine is not worthwhile if you consume cappuccinos or lattes. Consider the coffee you often purchase before visiting a coffee machine shop.


    Any way you look at it, the cost affects practically every purchase you make. Create a budget before shopping to avoid overspending on a coffee maker. Also, try to stay within your budget to purchase the correct machine. Try to get by with a less expensive machine with less glitzy features if you desire a model but can't afford it.

    Counter Space

    Your counter space is a crucial consideration despite seeming trivial. The amount of room you can provide an appliance on the counter is always limited. Not all coffee machines are the same size or are constructed in the same way. Some of them are significantly larger than others.

    Final Thoughts

    You’d be surprised by the difference you can make with the right coffee maker. Not only will you be able to make your favourite coffee with a flick of a switch, but you can also improve the flavour and even achieve a more appealing aroma. On top of this, you won’t have to visit a coffee house. However, while there are a lot of choices, not every coffee machine will tick every box. Do your research before trying to find a coffee machine and routine that works for you.

    Get Your Coffee Equipment And Tools From The Artisan Barista!

    The global coffee industry is always evolving and expanding quickly. Two trends have emerged during this time: the rapid demand for high-quality coffee in cafes and the shift among home coffee makers and consumers from low-quality to high-quality coffee equipment. We strive to meet this demand at The Artisan Barista.

    We put a lot of effort into ensuring that you receive only the best coffee equipment and tools. Are you a novice home barista learning the basics of latte art or a seasoned expert aiming for the top of the world? We will certainly assist you in reaching your destination by selling you high-quality electric kettles, precise scales, jug rinsers, and coffee distributors. 



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